Yimer Chekol Tegegne

Full NameYimer Chekol Tegegne
Academic RankLecturer
Education BackgroundMSc from  Bahir Dar  University (September 2011 to June 2012)BED in Mathematics From  Addis Ababa University (September 2003-Aug 2007)
Working Experience  Lecturer at Debre Tabor  University (Oct 2013  to ( September 2018 )Lecturer at Injibara University ( September 2018 to Present)Associate Registrar  at Injibara University (October 2019 to July 2021 )Registrar Director  at Injibara University (Aug  2021 to Present )
Research InterestAlgebra
AddressCollege of Natural and Computational Science, Injibara University
Tel: +251 909865449
Email: chekol.yimer@gmail.com