Peace and Security Executive

The Peace and Security Executive is actively engaged in a range of strategic initiatives to uphold peace and security within the University’s campus. It strives in creating a safe and conducive environment for students, staff and visitors. The security team also collaborates with local law enforcement agencies, conducts risk assessments, develops emergency response plans, and implements security protocols to mitigate potential threats and emergencies.

In addition, the executive involves in raising awareness about conflict resolution, promoting diversity and inclusion, and fostering a culture of respect and understanding within the University’s community. It also collaborates with community leaders, engages in conflict mediation efforts, and provides training on security and safety practices to support the overall peace-building and development goals of the university. Moreover, the executive aspires to digitalize its service using technologies such as Laptop Information Monitoring System.

Mulugeta Fenta Belay

Peace and Security Executive

Tel:  +251-918-12-71-33
